All about us

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Our Earth Mother- Papatuanuku

This term, Room 21 has been on a mission to learn more about Papatuanuku, our Earth Mother in Te Ao Māori (the Māori worldview). We've been exploring how we can care for her and keep her healthy.

Our classroom transformed into an art studio buzzing with creativity! Our goal? To create a wall display dedicated to Papatuanuku.

As we drew, we wove in what we've learned about caring for Papatuanuku:

  • We used green and blue colours to show the importance of clean water and healthy forests.
  • We talked about littering and pollution, and how we can keep Papatuanuku litter-free.
  • We reminded ourselves to be kind to all the creatures that share our planet with us.

By the end of our art session, our wall wasn't just a display, it was a promise. A promise to learn more about Papatuanuku and do our part to keep her healthy and beautiful. Every time we look at our creation, it will remind us of our responsibility towards our Earth Mother.

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