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Friday, June 14, 2024

Royal Parade


A Royal Ruckus in Room 21!

Last week, Room 21 transformed into a palace for our Royal Dress-Up Day! We all came dressed in our finest prince and princess attire. Some wore sparkling tiaras, others donned majestic capes, and everyone looked absolutely regal.

Our day began with a lesson in royal etiquette. We learned how to bow, curtsy, and most importantly, how to move with grace on the dance floor. We practiced a traditional circle dance to elegant classical music, giggling as we twirled and twirled.

Next up was the grand Royal Dress-Up Show! We transformed our classroom stage, complete with red velvet curtains (okay, maybe just a red sheet!). One by one, we showcased our royal outfits and practiced our most dignified postures. We even had special judges who awarded points for elegance and stage presence. The competition was fierce (but friendly!), and everyone received a round of royal applause.

After all that excitement, we couldn't wait to share our royal finery with the whole school. We marched in a grand parade outdoors, feeling like true royalty waving to our cheering classmates. It was a day filled with laughter, creativity, and a whole lot of fun!


  • Dress-up days can be a fantastic way to spark children's imaginations and encourage creative expression.
  • Learning about royal etiquette teaches valuable skills like good posture and graceful movement.
  • Simple dances like circle dances are a fun way to get children moving and working together.
  • School events like theme days create a sense of community and shared experience.
  • Most importantly, dress-up days are a great reminder that sometimes, all it takes is a little imagination to have a truly magical day!

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